Ilias Selalmazidis

DJ Ilias Selalmazidis

As far as I remember myself, I danced from my earlies (traditional and folklore dances), and as my mother used to say “this kid (me) has firstly danced than it walked”. But Tango met me unexpectedly 14 years ago. What I love while dancing the Tango is that I can be myself, ready to exchange thoughts, feelings or even aura. It may sometimes feel like being exposed but only in a totally safe way. The best part of dancing the Tango is the interaction between the couple on the dance floor and the way we communicate during the tanda. This interaction is what I am looking for while DJ-ing behind the decks, but in this case the interaction comes between me and all the dancers. What I am trying and challenging myself is to capture moments, signs, expressions of the dancers, or even if it’s possible, feel the energy on the dance floor so I can harmonize it with the next tanda. Last but not least, I have plenty of tango songs to share that deserve to be heard, and wait to be danced, and I wonder how they could be interpreted through the art of dance. My preferences both as a DJ and as Dancer is on the Golden Age. Favorite orchestras: Biagi, Donato, Troilo, Pugliese, D’Arienzo……! How people describe my music: Seducing, Intense, Rythmic, Flowing, Impossible to sit!